Saturday, March 6, 2010

Youth Executive Committees Get Hands-On!

We're heartened to receive the support of several Youth Executive Committees base in South West district and we look forward to more Grassroots Organisations coming onboard over the next couple of weeks.

If you are a Grassroots Leader in South West, or know someone who is, please get in touch with us. We're hoping to bring onboard as many Grassroots Organisation - from RCs to CCCs - to make a real impact on their immediate local community.

What's more, as part of its mission to assist the needy, bond the people and connect the community, South West Community Development Council will be providing some financial support to each community service project that directly benefits its local needy residents. Grassroots Leaders who wish to learn more may contact Ms Lim Yee Leng at 6551 9286 directly.

Youth Hands-On! @ South West looks forward to connecting Grassroots Organisations and students in South West to positively impact the lives of those who help in our community!

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