Friday, March 26, 2010

Programme Outline and FAQs

With Youth Hands-On! @ South West 2010 just a couple of days away, preparations are well underway!

If you are a participant, here's the programme outline:

0800am - Registration at Vivocity. Meet at the main entrance (where the fountain is!)
0830am - Briefing for all participants
0900am - Rehearsal for "Largest Hand Formation"
0930am - Arrival of Dr Amy Khor, Mayor of South West District and Senior Parliamentary Secretary of the Environment and Water Resource
0945am - Largest Hand Formation to set record for Singapore Book of Records
1000am - March To Aid @ South West Flag Off by Mayor
1030am - Dispersal to various part of South West district to engage in community service projects

Where To Meet?
We will be setting up a registration tentage just outside VivoCity (near the bus-stop). Look for us there!

What To Prepare?
Drink plenty of water the night before. Have a good rest. Have your breakfast before you come. Bring your own water bottle as we will not be providing bottled water. If you like, you may want to pack some light snacks and carry it in your bag pack.

What To Wear?

Come dressed in light sports attire with walking shoes. You would need to change into the event t-shirt given to you at the point of registration.

What To Bring?
Leave your valuables at home. Bring your own water bottle. We are going green so we will not be giving away bottled waters. Bring your sunglasses or cap if you like. Oh, and your camera and mobile phones so you may take and upload photos onto your facebook!

What If It Rains?
We will proceed with the event if there is light rain. Don't worry, we've prepared ponchos for everyone!

Can I Join / Bring My Friends?
Yes! If you or you have friends who would like to join us, but have not registered yet, please come to the registration counter and queue up at the lane for "Unregistered / Public". Registration is FREE.

Have a question? Drop us an email at!

See you on Sunday March 28 at 8am!

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