Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Why March To Aid?

Why March To Aid?

It all began when we were deciding on the date for Youth Hands-On! @ South West 2010, which was eventually set on March 28, 2010.

When looking at the date while brainstorming on the concept, an idea struck.

"When we spoke about the date, 'March-Two-Eight' sounded very much like 'March-To-Aid'," says Terence Quek, Chairman of Telok Blangah Community Club Youth Executive Committee.

"This is most apt since Youth Hands-On! is about encouraging youths to get 'hands-on' in the community, and so we decided to incorporate a march into the programme."

Youth Hands-On! @ South West will feature a mass walk by 1,000 youths to symbolise youth taking proactive steps towards aiding those who need help in our community.

Mayor of South West district Dr Amy Khor will flag off and join the youths in the march.

Will you put on your shoes and do the march in aid of your local beneficiary?

For more details about YHO@SW2010, email tbccyec@gmail.com

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