Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Ngee Ann Poly Get Hands-On!

On a Sunday where most people would spend their mornings sleeping in, a thousand youths including myself headed over to Vivo City to participate in Youth Hands-On! @ South West 2010.

At 7am, DPA students from Ngee Ann Polytechnic met up at VivoCity to collect their red t-shirts and breakfast before proceeding to the rehearsal for the largest human hand formation. The rehearsal went smoothly as the youths enthusiastically co-operated with the organizers to make this project a success.

By 9.45am, we did the real run and together with other youths, we formed the largest palm formation, setting a record for the Singapore Book of Records. I am proud to be one of the participants because I find the activity to be very meaningful: the hand symbolizes youths providing a helping hand to the underprivileged residents in the south west district.

After setting the record, 20 Ngee Ann students took on the task of road marshals while the remaining youths participated by “marching” for a distance of 2km. in "March To Aid" This march was a test of perseverance for some youths including myself as I had a sprained ankle prior to this event. However, I did not give up as I believed that this 2km march is the least I could do for the underprivileged residents - to make my stand that we should go all the way out for those less privileged in our community.

After the march, my group proceeded to Bo Tien Temple at Boon Lay where we were brought on a tour of the temple and its facilities. Following that, we were tasked to clean up their living quarters and change their bedsheets. We were also given time to interact with the elderly living there and they were delighted to see us.

All in all, I learnt that community service plays an important role in our lives. Students may not realize this but the effort and time that they fork out, do make a difference to someone else’s life. Thus it is good if we can set aside some time (for example: 4 hours a week on community service which would amount to 208 hours of community service) to bring some happiness and cheer to others.

Contributed by Joel Tan, Ngee Ann Polytechnic.
See more photos of the Ngee Ann students here!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Stay tuned for more updates!

Though Youth Hands-On! @ South West 2010 has been held successfully, there's still more updates coming your way!

Check back soon for more stories, coverage, and photos!

In the meantime, have you fanned our facebook page yet?

Sunday, March 28, 2010


We set a new record in the Singapore Book of Records for The Largest Palm Formation. Hurray!

From Left to Right: Mr Ong Eng Huat, Singapore Book of Records; Mr Terence Quek, Organising Chairman of YHO@SW2010; Dr Amy Khor, Mayor of South West District and Senior Parliamentary Secretary of the Environment and Water Resources; and Mr Chan Keen Len, Chairman of South West Community Development Council Youth Functional Committee

Friday, March 26, 2010

Invite your friends!

Do copy and paste the following image and email to your friends!

Programme Outline and FAQs

With Youth Hands-On! @ South West 2010 just a couple of days away, preparations are well underway!

If you are a participant, here's the programme outline:

0800am - Registration at Vivocity. Meet at the main entrance (where the fountain is!)
0830am - Briefing for all participants
0900am - Rehearsal for "Largest Hand Formation"
0930am - Arrival of Dr Amy Khor, Mayor of South West District and Senior Parliamentary Secretary of the Environment and Water Resource
0945am - Largest Hand Formation to set record for Singapore Book of Records
1000am - March To Aid @ South West Flag Off by Mayor
1030am - Dispersal to various part of South West district to engage in community service projects

Where To Meet?
We will be setting up a registration tentage just outside VivoCity (near the bus-stop). Look for us there!

What To Prepare?
Drink plenty of water the night before. Have a good rest. Have your breakfast before you come. Bring your own water bottle as we will not be providing bottled water. If you like, you may want to pack some light snacks and carry it in your bag pack.

What To Wear?

Come dressed in light sports attire with walking shoes. You would need to change into the event t-shirt given to you at the point of registration.

What To Bring?
Leave your valuables at home. Bring your own water bottle. We are going green so we will not be giving away bottled waters. Bring your sunglasses or cap if you like. Oh, and your camera and mobile phones so you may take and upload photos onto your facebook!

What If It Rains?
We will proceed with the event if there is light rain. Don't worry, we've prepared ponchos for everyone!

Can I Join / Bring My Friends?
Yes! If you or you have friends who would like to join us, but have not registered yet, please come to the registration counter and queue up at the lane for "Unregistered / Public". Registration is FREE.

Have a question? Drop us an email at!

See you on Sunday March 28 at 8am!

Friday, March 19, 2010

We're on PA website!

Check us out on People's Association's main website!

If you would like to join in the fun, write to us at!

Friday, March 12, 2010


We've just made a pledge on and hope you'll join the pledge by clicking on the "Join this pledge" and more importantly, join us on March 28 at VivoCity, 9.30am!


Sunday, March 7, 2010

Schools Get Hands-On!

Following our appeal to all schools in South West district, mails and phone calls have been streaming in to support our call for students to get Hands-On! with us on March 28.

Thank you Principals, HODs, and Teachers-in-charge for answering our call! We appreciate your support!

If you are a student or teacher-in-charge or a Principal of a school based in South West district, we hope you'll join us in our MARCH TO AID and get your students to make a real impact in our local community.

Call our South West CDC staff members in charge Ms Lim Yee Leng at 6551 9286 or Ms Angeline Cheo at 6551 9283 today to register your interest today!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Youth Executive Committees Get Hands-On!

We're heartened to receive the support of several Youth Executive Committees base in South West district and we look forward to more Grassroots Organisations coming onboard over the next couple of weeks.

If you are a Grassroots Leader in South West, or know someone who is, please get in touch with us. We're hoping to bring onboard as many Grassroots Organisation - from RCs to CCCs - to make a real impact on their immediate local community.

What's more, as part of its mission to assist the needy, bond the people and connect the community, South West Community Development Council will be providing some financial support to each community service project that directly benefits its local needy residents. Grassroots Leaders who wish to learn more may contact Ms Lim Yee Leng at 6551 9286 directly.

Youth Hands-On! @ South West looks forward to connecting Grassroots Organisations and students in South West to positively impact the lives of those who help in our community!

Friday, March 5, 2010


The first e-flyer that was sent out today at 03:28pm.

Help spread the word by copying the image and emailing it out.

For more details, email

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Take A Break and Hands-On!

The good folks at Kit Kat have come onboard with cash sponsorship to benefit the local community through Youth Hands-On! @ South West.

Thanks to one and all at Kit Kat for answering our call for support and for empowering us to do more for those who need help.

Calling everyone - come March 28, Take A Break and Get Hands-On!

If you would like to support our cause, please email

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Talking Hands

This image taken from shows the alphabets in sign language.

For most of us, we take our hands for granted.

But for some underprivileged residents in South West district and beyond, their hands are their means to make a living; to communicate; to connect.

As we put together Youth Hands-On! @ South West on 28 March 2010, let us join hands in reaching out to those in our community who need help, and take a proactive step towards a more inclusive and gracious society.

This March 28, let our hands do the talking.

For more details about YHO@SW2010, email

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Why March To Aid?

Why March To Aid?

It all began when we were deciding on the date for Youth Hands-On! @ South West 2010, which was eventually set on March 28, 2010.

When looking at the date while brainstorming on the concept, an idea struck.

"When we spoke about the date, 'March-Two-Eight' sounded very much like 'March-To-Aid'," says Terence Quek, Chairman of Telok Blangah Community Club Youth Executive Committee.

"This is most apt since Youth Hands-On! is about encouraging youths to get 'hands-on' in the community, and so we decided to incorporate a march into the programme."

Youth Hands-On! @ South West will feature a mass walk by 1,000 youths to symbolise youth taking proactive steps towards aiding those who need help in our community.

Mayor of South West district Dr Amy Khor will flag off and join the youths in the march.

Will you put on your shoes and do the march in aid of your local beneficiary?

For more details about YHO@SW2010, email

Which logo? Have a hand in picking!

Thanks to Ms Stacy Peh for volunteering and contributing her artwork.

Like what you see? Let us know your pick! Email today!

Monday, March 1, 2010

What's YHO@SW?

Youth Hands-On! @ South West (YHO@SW) is a mass community service event happening in 2010 on March 28 ("March To Aid").

1,000 youths, together with grassroots leaders, will make a positive difference to local beneficiaries throughout Singapore's South West district on the same day, at the same.

The youths will attempt to make a Singapore Book of Record entry with a massive human formation of an open palm to symbolise youths getting hands-on in the community.

They will also 'march off' to various locations to engage beneficiaries, bringing with them gifts, good will and encouragement to show the community cares for them.

The event is organised by Telok Blangah Community Club Youth Executive Committee and South West Community Development Council.

Nestle is a sponsor for this meaningful youth community event.